A little housecleaning while I try desperately to finish This Week In Posters and my piece on the state of film criticism. But I come with great news for listening-Americans and ear-having citizens the world over. That’s right, I was on SO MANY PODCASTS this week.
To wit:
Our The Wire rewatch podcast, Pod Yourself The Wire, has two new episodes. You can get early access to season 3 episode 2, with Mike Duncan of the Revolutions podcast on our Patreon. That means Season 3, episode 1, with David J. Roth of Defector, is now free on Apple, YouTube, Spotify, and everywhere you get podcasts. Yes, we are still doing Frotcasts. Recording a new one soon.
I also discussed the classic POINT BREAK on the Film & Whiskey podcast, a movie that I’m very passionate and have many opinions about.
Finally, I was on IS THIS GOOD? to discuss the ins and outs of film criticism, Mark Zuckerberg doing jiu-jitsu, and whether it’s okay to name your pets after their dead predecessors. It was a great time!
That’s easily like three hours worth of my on podcasts right there, so if you were trying to build up the courage to kill yourself, you’re welcome! Just kidding, don’t do that, all subscribers are beautiful.
I tried to use AI to generate a banner image of “Vince Mancini talking on a podcast” and this is what I got. Not even close, but I respect the effort:
Here’s another try.
I dunno, feels a little racist.
Do... do I put his penis in my ear?
Virrinc is definitely about to take a call from Yonkers about how Aaron Judge isn't a true Yankee yet.