Boy, Vince, your life turned into Drew Magary’s so gradually I didn’t even notice.

I kid, I kid.

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I’m circling the bowl.

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I enjoy the kid posting. And that was a complisult. I’m a big Magary fan and think that you guys followed a similar trajectory. It’s actually one aspect of your writing I’ve enjoyed: growing with you. It’s like that famous quote, adapt or become a writer who bemoans cancel culture because they are too oblivious to see a lack of talent is their problem.

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As someone raised by a father with a temper, who is now a father with a temper, learning that "your dad is mad at the universe, not at you" is a really important life lesson, and I mean that sincerely. It's the reason "Winnebago man" still makes me laugh my ass off. Or that scene in Logan where he beats the truck with a shovel. Or any number of grumpy dad moments.

My oldest is now old enough to deliberately annoy me for laughs, and I have to admit I secretly love it.

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My son is barely 2 and has been fucking with me for at least six months now. He will call me Vince instead of Dada sometimes just to mess with me.

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So many sound effects played in my head with each mishap.

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While I haven't had any comic pratfall sequences similar to this, I can cosign the notion that there is never any end to the various chores and tasks.

My wife picks up our 9-month old daughter from daycare at 4 and I get home from work around 4:30, from then until her bedtime at 6 one of us is either taking care of her (feeding and playtime, maybe a bath) or doing chores (dishes, cleaning/straightening, walking our enormous, high-energy German Shepard mutt, etc.)

Then I usually make dinner while my wife straightens up whatever play area our daughter was occupying that evening. By the time dinner is ready we usually have one hour to watch whatever show we are currently into before turning in (after washing the dishes from dinner of course!) The notion of staying up late to watch more TV or do something else is not worth the price of exhaustion you'll suffer the next day.

I basically expected it to be like this, so I'm not complaining. This is what we wanted and we are very happy. It's just amazing how much your free time disappears without ever realizing it. There is ALWAYS something on my to-do list. I've had to make peace with accepting that it will never be 100% done.

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Your first mistake was doing something nice for your kid. Who do you think I was ignoring while reading this?

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As a father to a toddler boy, I enjoy your kid posting. So you at least have an audience of one.

My son recently ran up to me giggling and put his hand in my face and when I grabbed it to then use it to playfully tap his face with, I realized he was missing half his fingernail. When did this happen? Why didn’t he cry? Where was the blood!? Nothing like mystery injuries.

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Its tom hanks money pit from here on in bud. It only escalates at speed and extraordinary chaos multiples. All you can do is score it to classical music when you can.

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I enjoyed this - and relate to it -very much.

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That played out perfectly in my head so i enjoyed reading it. Too bad you cant put parenting on a resumé, cause it seems that stuff like that will learn you real multitasking. Also it’s nice to be reminded of Vince being born again soft

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When anyone calls me soft these days I just point to my black belt. And I say "I got this for aggressively hugging other men."

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We recently inherited an 11 year old boston terrier with a googly eye. Being childless I can start to understand some of this a bit more. And also dog scoopers that don't require bending over are a back saver. Oh and the small joys of discovering that dedicated outdoor dog poop waste containers with built in poop bag rolls exist.

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