Sep 20, 2023Liked by Vince Mancini

One of my proudest recent moments has been watching my two year old run up to my mom, tell her he has a secret, then whisper "poopoo peepee" into her ear.

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Another thing I did (which I technically stole from my friend Carlos) was to teach my son that the answer to “what sound does mommy make?” is a fart sound. I didn’t tell her about it until he did it in front of her.

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Just like your Inside Out review, I agree. I only like that the end became about her going to try glass blowing and she was going to do that regardless of Wade.

What I didn't like was the dam plot, although dumb, was abandoned and just used as a metaphor for her boiling over and breaking Wades heart. Wade really seemed coded gay to me too, as a gay man. He was also dopey to the point of being childish. I get bring sensitive but this was crazy.

Also was hoping the Dad would end up less racist maybe add a second recipe to serve more elementals or even apologize to Wade but... no.


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I'm pretty sure if I asked ChatGPT to make a movie about the elements, it would spit something out like "fire and water fall in love with one another, but they must never touch lest they turn to steam"

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I’d love to hear the exasperated gripes of the Pixar employee(s) who argued internally that it’s stupid to personify Wind (instead of Water) as a cloud, since clouds are literally water.

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Woo boy, how long did you have that Pixar labeled bullet in the chamber? Feel good to take a shot at a children's movie that was just trying to make people happy? I kid, I don't give a fuck about kid's movies. Trash away.

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If anything, it was a tech showcase for Pixar. I thought CGI ran out of ways to depict flowing water in exciting ways but oof it’s bad when all you have to say about a film from mighty Pixar is “those water physics were dope”. Also i liked Ember’s lil flickering nose

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It's funny - this was the most I've enjoyed a Pixar movie since Coco, and I also agree with the complaints. Star-crossed lover stories get me, what can I say. There was a kid sitting near us who was audibly bored, and I don't blame her - do kids give a shit about urban planning/building codes, immigrant/child of immigrants stories, or romance?

But to your gay vibe point, I was kind of surprised Disney burned a queer protagonist on the terrible, generic Strange World, instead of using it here, where it would have added another layer to the metaphor.

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I think the big issue with Elemental is that the metaphor doesn't really serve a purpose. The characters are such obvious ciphers to something "real" that, by making them a part of such an elaborate artifice, it ends up feeling like the creators were weirdly afraid to be like "this is about Korean people." I realize it's a kids movie and it needs some sort of whimsy and/or something visually fantastic to make it stand out, but I wish it was more like "Turning Red": a fantasy story told from a specific character POV.

Needless to say, I tried watching this with my kids this weekend and retreated to my phone after 20 minutes. Found it super boring.

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