In fairness, I love the idea of a guy going "I've been doing some deep, deep thinking" then telling a story about crows clinging to eagles like gremlins on the space shuttle.

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The Blind Side is one of two films that I've actually blurted something out loud while watching in a theater (the other one was another favorite of yours, Vince: Beasts of the Southern Wild. During the chicken biscuit wrapper scene I said, "oh, fuck off!")

Michael Oher got a scholarship offer when he was in 7th grade. When they're explaining football to him I actually blurted, "are you shitting me?!" in the theater.

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I don’t think that the Tuohys did this because of money. I think they did it because they wanted to control the story. As you said, they were stupidly wealthy. But Leigh Anne wouldn’t be on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition or a motivational speaker without the Blindside.

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Oof, the entire Lewis "I feel sad for him" quote might be the only part of this that bums me out.

Sounds exactly like Lewis is just throwing some cover for his friends.

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I think your guess is as close to the truth without it coming out (which guessing it won’t, it grabbed headlines for 2 days to swing public opinion to Oher so the Tuohys will pay up).

The movie makes him look bad and he thinks his career could have been better now that it’s over. So he’s trying to recoup what he believes was lost by the movie damaging his career & that shady lawyer has him convinced.

The family probably didn’t make THAT much but are worth enough that the lawyer could squeeze them.

Either way, it’s pretty sad that Oher and the Tuohys are or have fallen out no matter where the blame falls.

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