- I'll give Blu this - I tried them in my first attempt to quit smoking solely because of their robust roster of celebrity endorsements (Dorff, Ray Liotta, Jenny McCarthy).

- Dorff did a full-frontal in the godawful movie Shadowboxer. He pulls his semi-erect, condom-sheathed penis out of a woman from the back, which is certainly unique as full-frontals go.

So, how's everyone's Wednesday going?

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Damn it appears that Insta has been taken down. At least I can't access it

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Damn, this seemed like a prime example of a business who would enjoy the additional exposure of being made fun of, but maybe they got bashful about it instead.

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...smells a little vague to me...

*soft chuckle*

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As someone that reads your work nearly exclusively from toilets, you have my attention. Stephen Dorff and cancer free TP, eh? Nice.

PS- It feels nice to finally be seen.

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Right? Lotta synergy here.

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